Article I: Name and Purpose
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be Edmund C. Arnold Society for News Design MSU Student Affiliate.
Section 2. The purpose of this organization is to provide MSU students, who are interested in publication design and graphics, the resources necessary to succeed in both an educational and professional environment and to provide educational offerings. SND members will utilize national SND speakers and provide workshops and field trips to improve members’ job qualifications and education.
Article II: Membership
Membership is only open to MSU students. SND does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, ethnic origin, sex age political persuasion, sexual orientation, handicapper status or marital status.
Article III: Executive Committee
Section 1. The executive committee will consist of the president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. Duties delineated to each officer include, but are not limited to, the following:
- President – Preside over meetings, both executive and general; schedule guest speakers; work closely with the adviser(s) in directing the group; lead the group in creative content ventures; assist other officers in their assigned duties.
- Vice President – In the absence of the president, will execute the duties of president; assist the president in leading the meetings; organize the content of general meetings; responsible for membership records.
- Secretary – Record minutes of meetings, both executive and general; responsible for follow-up correspondence with guest speakers; organize public relations efforts.
- Treasurer – Collect dues; keep financial records for the organization; make regular reports of the organization’s economic status.
Section 2. All terms of office will last one academic year starting in August and ending in May. Officers will be elected the end of April of each year and will begin their duties that following August.
Section 3. Elections will be secret-ballot. All paid members of SND are allowed to vote for officers. A plurality is needed to win election.
Section 4. Any officer has the power to call a special session of all SND executive members and a majority vote among the executive committee is needed to call a regular meeting. The faculty adviser has the deciding vote when there is a tie.
Article IV: Meetings
Section 1. General meetings will be held monthly. If the meeting time needs to be moved or changed, members need to be notified two days prior to the meeting.
Section 2. Dues will be $30 per calendar year and should be paid by October 31 of each year. Of the total dues, $25 will be forwarded to the national organization and the remaining $5 dollars will be put into the SND Student Chapter account.
Section 3. All expenses for field trips, workshops and any other special activities sponsored by SND shall be paid by individual members unless notified by SND.
Section 4. The committee has the power to establish special interest committees and appoint a member to head the committee.
Article V: Amendments
Section 1. Any amendments to the constitution will require a two-thirds vote of the members present during a regularly scheduled meeting. No amendment will be allowed to pass during a special meeting unless all members are given two days prior notification via phone.
Section 2. Proposed amendments must be presented to the organization one month prior to the day ratified. Ratification of the constitution requires a majority vote from the general members of the student chapter during a regularly scheduled meeting.